

Die Künstlerstadt Kalbe begegnet mittels
Kunst und Kultur
den Folgen des demografischen Wandels.
Wir bringen "Fülle in die Hülle",
schaffen Bleibeperspektiven,
verbessern die Lebensqualität der hier Lebenden und ermöglichen Zuzug.


sc 24n3

der Stiftung Niedersachsen geht an den Start

Die Künstlerstadt Kalbe ist dabei!
06.05.2024, 17.30 -19.00 Uhr - online
Informationen open blue




brucca transp kl



02.9. - 15.9.2024

Literatur-Stipendium 2025







22.7. - 01.9.2024



12. Internationaler Sommercampus


12th International Summer Campus




Die Künstlerstadt Kalbe begegnet mittels
Kunst und Kultur
den Folgen des demografischen Wandels.
Wir bringen "Fülle in die Hülle",
schaffen Bleibeperspektiven,
verbessern die Lebensqualität der hier Lebenden und ermöglichen Zuzug.


Klangart 2024


4. Mai, 15:00 Uhr

Schloss von Gossler in Kalbe
Informationen open blue


der Stiftung Niedersachsen geht an den Start

Die Künstlerstadt Kalbe ist dabei!
06.05.2024, 17.30 -19.00 Uhr - online
Informationen open blue




brucca transp kl



02.9. - 15.9.2024

Literatur-Stipendium 2025








Die Künstlerstadt Kalbe begegnet mittels
Kunst und Kultur
den Folgen des demografischen Wandels.
Wir bringen "Fülle in die Hülle",
schaffen Bleibeperspektiven,
verbessern die Lebensqualität der hier Lebenden und ermöglichen Zuzug.
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^1 Künstlerstadt Kalbe 2024


2 Künstlerstadt


3 Künstlerstadt


4 Künstlerstadt







Literaturlabor Kalbe 2017

Am 9. und 10. Juni 2017 wird Nadja Lotz einen Theater-und Schreibworkshop für Kinder im Alter von 8 bis 14 Jahre anbieten.

Thema: Das ist alles mein Zuhause.



Schreibwerkstatt für Jugendliche von 14 bis 19 Jahre

Am 2. und 3.September 2017




Am 25.Oktober 2017, 19.00 Uhr im Café Friedenseck

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Gefördert durch die Robert-Bosch-Stiftung



Dr. Wahid Nader liest im Rahmen der Reihe "Brücken schlagen- vom Mittelalter zur Gegenwart".

Am 7. September 2017, Kalbe/Milde, Festscheune des Kulturhofes

Gefördert durch die Kunststiftung Sachsen-Anhalt




Scholarship - Winter Campus "Adventure-Country 2016"

of artists from 22.02.-21.03.2016

City Kalbe
Call for applications

The artists' town Kalbe is a social sculpture. Art will be held in the newly developed areas that make possible cultural encounters. Vacant apartments is again breathed life, they will be transferred to tell. Kalbe is sustainably designed as a place transformed and reinterpreted. Since the existence of the Artist town Kalbe in 2013 the work of the artists' town has now won multiple awards and honors (the Land of Ideas, Demography Prize Saxony-Anhalt, etc.). In addition, the German Federal Cultural Foundation funds new countries in the next three years supports the work of the artists' town. For further information: www.Kuenstlerstadt-Kalbe.de

In the period from 22.02.-21.03.2016, in the artists' town Kalbe for the third time a Winter Campus take place. Students of all art forms (visual arts, music, literature, dance, theater, media and others) have the opportunity for 2 weeks up to 4 weeks in the artists' town Kalbe to live and work. Only for their own meals and the cost of materials has to be coming, and a contribution of 10, - € payable per week. The apartments are fully equipped for living and decorated in a simple style.

"Adventure-Country 2016" is the title of this winter campus, because we will go this year to the smaller villages that belong to Kalbe with the campus. In these places fellows are living / working groups (3-10, depending on the size of the flat / house) formed. Our proven Pate model (each scholarship holder receives a mentor on site) ensures the availability of food supply in the villages.

All Fellows of the winter Campus put under studio-tours before arising or brought here work to the public.
A good cooperation with the media is guaranteed.

Benefits that brings an application:

    here living in the region as yet few artists
    Art is perceived
    media interest is very large
    curious audience
    Possibility of exchange with other artists from all over Germany
    Possibility of developing new projects with other artists
    Inspiration through a new environment for their own work
    Room / apartment home can be rented in the meantime
    Participation in the 3rd Winter Campus!
    Kalbe and the Altmark get to know
    as a former scholarship obtained through the artists 'town more backups (exhibitions, readings, concerts with partners of the artists' town) a real adventure!

What is needed is an application with the project, which should be tackled in the period required, or the specification of the project to which it is currently working. Max. 10 documents of work enclose (a copy, DVD, CD). In addition, a recommendation of a / s at the Department make Professor / in, and the CV must be included. The application form is on www.Kuenstlerstadt-Kalbe.de → DOWNLOAD.

The application is only valid if

has been received by mail until   06.02.2016 = Deadline.

Online applications will be accepted!

The commitments made on 08.02.2016. With the artists adopted a usage agreement regarding transfer of the living space is made. The amount of 10, - € per week is to be paid prior to arrival in the artists 'town Kalbe on one of the accounts, endorsement “ Winter Campus 2016”.

Sparkasse Altmark-West


IBAN: DE1181 0555 5502 0000 9150

Raiffeisenbank Kalbe-Bismark


IBAN: DE3181 0630 2800 0003 3103

Application documents→ seeDOWNLOAD!

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